As an injured worker, you have rights. Our Lake Charles workers’ compensation lawyers are dedicated to standing by your side after a workplace accident and fighting for the maximum financial recovery you deserve. Call Hale Injury Lawyers today at (337) 426-1071 to learn more about your legal options.
Most employers are required to carry a workers’ compensation insurance policy; however, obtaining the maximum benefits can be challenging.
Since 2008, injured workers and grieving families have continually turned to Hale Injury Lawyers for help after devastating on-the-job accidents across the state. Collectively, our award-winning Louisiana trial attorneys have over 61 years of experience taking on tough cases and winning top results.
We’ve successfully forced insurance companies to pay our clients tens of millions in benefits, settlements, and jury verdicts. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
How Hale Injury Lawyers Can Help With Your Claim for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Lake Charles, LA

Workers’ compensation benefits can be incredibly helpful after you’re injured on the job in Lake Charles, LA. Unfortunately, your employer’s insurance company will not make the claims process easy. They’ll fight you at every turn, attempting to find ways to limit your benefits or prevent a payout altogether.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Show the insurance company that you’re serious about your claim by enlisting the help of our award-winning Lake Charles personal injury lawyers.
Hale Injury Lawyers is a passionate advocate for injured laborers in Lake Charles. For decades, our attorneys have dedicated their careers to improving the lives of clients like you. Our results speak volumes about the work we do, with tens of millions recovered.
Turn to us for help and trust us to:
- Take care of all aspects of your claim for workers’ compensation benefits, giving you the time and opportunity to get back on your feet
- Review internal investigations of your workplace accident or injury
- Gather all necessary documents and evidence for your claim, including timesheets, paystubs, tax returns, medical records, and more
- Independently investigate the circumstances of your workplace injury
- Determine if you may have additional options for recovering compensation, such as filing a civil lawsuit against a liable third party
- Work to max out the benefits available to you during negotiations with the insurance carrier
- Represent you during all hearings and/or appeals, if necessary
Monetary benefits can make a world of difference as you recover from your workplace injury or illness. Our workers’ compensation attorneys in Lake Charles are here to help you get every cent you deserve.
We work on contingency, so there’s no need to worry about the cost of hiring an attorney. You only pay when we recover money for you through your claim for benefits.
Our Baton Rouge law office offers a free consultation, so reach out to schedule yours today.
What Kinds of Accidents and Injuries Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?
Workers’ compensation benefits can be instrumental when you’re recovering from a workplace accident or illness.
Lake Charles workers often seek benefits after:
- Slip and fall accidents
- Falls from heights
- Crushed by object accidents
- Caught in/between accidents
- Warehouse accidents
- Accidents involving defective work equipment
- Manufacturing accidents
- Agriculture accidents
- Construction accidents
- Transportation accidents
- Truck accidents
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Amputation
- Burn injury
- Catastrophic injury
- Vision or hearing loss
- Nerve damage
- Occupational illness or disease
At Hale Injury Lawyers, we’re here to help you get back on your feet after you’re injured or become sick at work. No matter your job or profession, we’ll be your fiercest advocate and fight to get you all of the benefits to which you’re entitled under Louisiana state law. Contact us to learn more.
Understanding Louisiana’s Workers’ Compensation System
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance system mandated by the state. With few exceptions, employers with at least one employee are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. When a worker is injured on the job or becomes ill, benefits from the workers’ compensation policy are paid to help offset the monetary costs and losses related to their injury.
Ultimately, the workers’ compensation system helps to accelerate the payment of benefits to injured workers by allowing them to sidestep the traditional civil litigation process. Employers benefit because they are generally protected from being sued when their employees get hurt on the job.
How Do I Know if I Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Lake Charles?
Pursuant to Louisiana state law, you can qualify for workers’ compensation benefits if:
- You are a qualifying full-time, part-time, or seasonal employee (independent contractors are not typically covered)
- You suffered a work-related injury or illness, and
- Your employer is legally required to have workers’ compensation insurance.
A work-related injury or illness is one that’s sustained/contracted while you’re performing job-related tasks or responsibilities. For instance, you would qualify for workers’ compensation if you were injured in a car accident while running errands for your boss.
Can I Get Benefits if I Caused My Workplace Accident?
Yes. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. Your employer is protected from being sued even if the caused or contributed to your workplace accident. Similarly, you’re entitled to benefits even if you caused or contributed to your accident (with limited exceptions, such as if you were drunk or intoxicated at the time).
Keep in mind that Lousiana’s pure comparative negligence law will apply if you file a third-party lawsuit for additional compensation. In those situations, your financial recovery will be reduced in direct proportion to fault.
What Benefits Does Workers’ Compensation Pay in Lake Charles, LA?
Workers’ compensation provides an alternative to personal injury litigation. Since it’s a separate system, the benefits are limited in scope and amount. In Louisiana, workers can generally recover economic damages related to their medical expenses and loss of income.
Medical Benefits
Insurance will pay for the costs of all reasonable and necessary medical treatment, including:
- Hospitalization
- Surgery
- Prescription medication
- Rehabilitation
- Physical therapy
- Medical equipment
- Medical devices
- Chiropractic care
However, care must be sought from an approved medical provider. This limits your ability to manage your treatment and see your own doctor.
Wage Benefits
If you’re unable to work for more than 7 days, you’ll qualify for wage or indemnity benefits, which can include:
- Temporary Total Disability (TTD). Receive sixty-six and two-thirds of your average weekly wage to offset your loss of income until you reach Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) or can return to work.
- Supplemental Earnings Benefits (SEB). Receive a percentage of the difference between your pre-and-post injury wages if you’re able to return to work in a limited capacity. Payable for a maximum of 520 weeks.
- Permanent Total Disability (PTD). Receive sixty-six and two-thirds of your average weekly wage if you’re unable to return to work at all.
- Catastrophic Injury Benefit. Receive a one-time lump sum payment of $50,000 if your injury is catastrophic. Qualifying injuries often include amputation, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury.
- Vocational Rehabilitation Benefit. Receive compensation to help you pay for training to return to work.
Indemnity benefits are subject to statutory caps, as established by Louisiana state law.
Death Benefits
Families are entitled to death benefits if a worker dies in a workplace accident or because of an occupational disease. Benefits can include compensation for a funeral and lost wages.
How Long Do I Have To File a Claim for Workers’ Compensation in Louisiana?
You must report your injury or illness to your employer within 30 days to preserve the opportunity to receive workers’ compensation insurance benefits.
As long as you’ve provided notice, you’ll have one year to formally request benefits. If your claim isn’t filed within the applicable statute of limitations, you won’t qualify to receive the compensation you need and deserve.
Protect yourself and your financial security by reaching out to Hale Injury Lawyers, for help right away. We can provide guidance and support during this difficult time and take the stress of a legal claim for compensation off of your shoulders.
Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Lake Charles Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Did you suffer an injury at work in Lake Charles, Louisiana? Hale Injury Lawyers is here to help you make the most of a difficult situation by taking the lead on your claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
Our Lake Charles workers’ compensation lawyers have 61+ years of experience and an unrivaled ability to achieve life-changing results for clients like you. We’ve secured tens of millions in compensation. Now, we’re here to help you get top results, too.
Contact our law office in Lake Charles at (337) 426-1071 to learn more. Your first consultation is free of charge.